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Bending Branch Winery


Lauren Elizondo
January 21, 2025 | Lauren Elizondo

The Fire That Shaped Caldor Red

Some wines embody tradition, others innovation—but the Caldor Red blend carries a tale of courage, loss, and renewal. This wine is a tribute to the firefighters who bravely battled the Caldor Fire, a wildfire that came dangerously close to Ursa Vineyards and profoundly impacted the Sierra Foothills community in the fall of 2021.

For Ursa Winemakers Greg Stokes and Deborah Elissagaray, the Caldor Fire was an experience they lived through up close. Deb recalls the early moments: “A fire watch notification, the sight of smoke rising in the distance, and the creeping realization of danger.” Greg, who was in Texas working with our Bending Branch production team during crush, immediately flew home as the first evacuation orders were issued.

“We were evacuated twice, returning in between when it looked like things were safer,” Deb recounts. “The initial, official evacuation was hurried. I gathered the belongings, the daughter, the pets, and irreplaceable letters and fled to my in-laws in a neighboring town far out of reach of Caldor. What I left behind was a small herd of sweet cows and a flock of spoiled chickens. I overfed everyone and hoped for the best.”

Their vineyard and home lay directly in the fire’s path. Between evacuations, they returned to find their property eerily quiet and blanketed in ash. “We came home to a thick mat of soot on all the outdoor surfaces. The air was dirty. But the house was standing. We checked the winery, which remained cool inside if a little smokey. The wine in the barrels was silent and unknowing, removed from the drama unfolding mere miles away.”








Amid the destruction, the resilience of nature emerged as a powerful reminder of survival. “A mountain lion and her cubs took refuge under our deck, a stark reminder of wildlife adapting to survive,” Deb reflects. “We watched them from the safety of the house. They were fierce and resourceful, much like the firefighters who protected us.”

When the fire subsided, the challenge of making wine from smoke-affected fruit became Greg’s focus. Deb explains: “The fruit arrived that year in various states of affectedness, depending on the vineyard’s location. Some lots reeked of smoke, the stink clinging to the oily skins of the berries. It permeated the skin to the meat of the fruit and settled in the juice. We tasted and retasted in the cellar. We talked to other winemakers and industry suppliers. Greg and Kyle searched the internet for others’ experiences. Everyone was trying different things and generously sharing their results.” Kyle Stokes is Greg’s son and Assistant Winemaker at Ursa.

“Nothing worked completely, but some things helped. Finally, Greg decided to stop trying to mask the problem. We’ve always let the fruit lead in our wines. Why not embrace the true nature of vintage and express the fire’s effect rather than burying it? Greg put the blend together, and he and Kyle fine-tuned it. We tasted and retasted until we agreed on the Caldor Red. We feel this wine is a true expression of that vintage and the spirit of optimism and courage exhibited by the firefighters.”

Caldor Red is more than just a wine—it’s a way to give back. Ten percent of net sales will be donated to the El Dorado County Fire Protection District as a gesture of gratitude. “I’ve thought of those firefighters often,” Deb reflects. “After the fire was contained and we returned to a careful normalcy, signs appeared everywhere. Signs that read, ‘Thank you, firefighters, first responders, helpers.’ Signs with hearts and flames painted on them. Signs with American flags and pinwheels. These signs could not convey enough the gratitude that we all felt, but it was all we had.”

2021 Caldor Red combines notes of blackberry, cherry, and cedar with hints of cinnamon, anise, and nutmeg, crafting a wine as vibrant as its ruby hue. It stands as a testament to a community’s resilience, determination, and recovery.

Deb created a beautiful essay detailing her experience during the Caldor Fire. For the full story, click here to read her heartfelt account.